Make a submission to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned
The COVID-19 Inquiry has been asked to review key decisions made by the Government during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, we have been asked to assess key decisions regarding the use of vaccines, including mandates, approvals, and safety; lockdowns, especially the lockdowns of late 2021, and testing and tracing technologies and public health materials.
We will use our review of these key decisions to provide advice to the Government on how Aotearoa New Zealand could make decisions during future pandemics. In order for us to make useful recommendations, and to help with planning for the future, it is important for us to hear from you about your experiences; especially about the impact of key decisions that were made as part of the COVID-19 response. You can share your experiences and find out more about making a submission to the Inquiry, below.
Submissions close 27 April 2025. Make a submission now.
If you made a submission to Phase One, please click here to visit our website and find out if your submission can be considered by Phase Two.
Subtitles are available in English. Information about the submission process is available in
te reo Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi, Simplified Chinese, NZSL, Easy Read, Braille, Audio,
and Large Print below.
Submission forms
You can make a submission below in English, te reo Maori, New Zealand Sign Language, Hindi, Samoan, Simplified Chinese, and Tongan.
Make a Submission
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned was established in December 2022. The first phase of the COVID-19 Inquiry ran until 28 November 2024, including a public submissions period in early 2024. Phase Two of the Inquiry is now underway. Phase Two is looking at some additional topics that were not covered in Phase One, as well as looking in more detail at some of the topics included in Phase One, such as mandates and lockdowns. Phase Two’s primary...
Tukuna he tāpaetanga
Tirohanga whānui I whakatūria te Tira Ārai Urutā i te Tīhema 2022. I tū te wāhanga tuatahi o Te Uiui KOWHEORI-19 atu ki te 28 o Nōema 2024, me tētahi wāhanga mō ngā tāpaetanga tūmatanui i te pane o te 2024. Kua tīmata te Wāhanga Tuarua o te Uiui ināianei. E titiro ana te Wāhanga Tuarua ki ētahi kaupapa anō kāore i tirohia i te Wāhanga Tuatahi, me te āta tirotiro i ētahi o ngā kaupapa o te Wāhanga Tuatahi, pērā i ngā whakaturetanga me...
Make a Submission (NZSL)
Overview The Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned was established in December 2022. The purpose of the Inquiry is to learn lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic response to help Aotearoa New Zealand prepare for the future. The first phase of the COVID-19 Inquiry ran until 28 November 2024, including a public submissions period in early 2024. Phase Two of the Inquiry is now underway. Phase Two is looking at some additional topics that were not covered...
सबमिशन (प्रस्तुति) करें
संक्षिप्त विवरण रॉयल कमीशन ऑफ इन्क्वायरी COVID-19 लेसन्स लर्न्ड ( सीखे गए सबक ) की स्थापना दिसंबर 2022 में की गई थी। COVID-19 Inquiry ( इन्क्वायरी ) का पहला चरण 28 नवंबर 2024 तक चला ...
Tuuina mai se folasaga
Aotelega O Tesema 2022 na faia ai se Auiliiliga Maualuga Lesona Aoga COVID-19. Na faagasolo le vaega muamua o le Auiliiliga COVID-19 seia faagata i le aso 28 Novema 2024, na aofia ai manatu faaalia lautele i le amataga o le 2024. Ua faagasolo i le taimi nei le Vaega Lua o le Auiliiliga. O le a vailiili i le Vaega Lua mataupu e le i lagaina i le Vaega Muamua, atoa ai ma le iloiloina o nisi o mataupu sa aofia i le Vaega Muamua, e pei o tulafono faamalosia ma...
概述 新冠疫情经验教训皇家调查委员会于 2022 年 12 月成立。 新冠疫情调查第一阶段持续至 2024 年 11 月 28 日,其中包括 2024 年初的公众意见征集期。调查的第二阶段目前已开始。第二阶段是检讨第一阶段未涉及的一些其他主题,并更详细地总结分析第一阶段包含的一些主题,例如授权和封城。 ...
Fakahū ha‘o fokotu‘u fakakaukau
Vakai Fakalūkufuá Na‘e fokotu‘u ‘a e Komisoni Fakatu‘i ki hono Fakatotolo‘i ‘o e Ngaahi Lēsoni kuo Ako Meí he COVID-19 ‘i Tīsema 2022. Na‘e fakahoko ‘a e konga ‘uluaki ‘o e Fakatotolo ki he COVID-19 ‘o a‘u ki he ‘aho 28 ‘o Nōvema 2024, kau ai ‘a e vaha‘a taimi ki hono fakahū ‘o e ngaahi fokotu‘u fakakaukau ‘a e kakaí ‘i he konga ki mu‘a ‘o e 2024. Kuo hoko atu ‘i he taimí ni mo e Konga Ua ‘o e...
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New Zealand Sign Language
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If you have any questions or require support with your submission, please view our FAQs, read through our summary of our terms of reference, or email