提供您的反馈意见 (Simplified Chinese - Feedback on the terms of reference)

Closed 24 Mar 2024

Opened 7 Feb 2024


新西兰政府表示他们承诺将扩大“2019新冠疫情经验教训皇家调查委员会“ |Te Tira Ārai Urutā 的职权范围,并要求调查委员会就其未来的职权范围,代表政府向公众征询意见。


What happens next

The opportunity to provide feedback on the terms of reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned is now closed.

All feedback received will be provided to the Department of Internal Affairs, who will provide advice to the New Zealand Government ahead of any changes made to the terms of reference for the Inquiry. These changes may mean the Inquiry will investigate different areas of the COVID-19 response. 

You can keep up with the work of the Inquiry, including any changes to the terms of reference, by subscribing to our newsletter, visiting our website, or following the Inquiry on social media (Facebook and LinkedIn).

Public submissions have also closed. Thank you to everyone who shared their story with the Inquiry. The submissions we have received will be considered alongside other interviews conducted and evidence received to form the Inquiry’s final report.